Why Me? no! I think I’m starting to look like rudolph!! Why do I always end up getting sick during flu season? its just not fair!! I hate being sick! Sometimes I wonder, if it was planned like “hmm… Steph should be sick this year at this time…"
sigh~ I don’t want to look like Rudolph, especially, not when Christmas is a month a few weeks away, but I can’t stop blowing my nose! 😦
and that’s not all! I don’t feel like me anymore, I feel like some really REALLY sick person, unable to walk unable to do anything but sleep all day and procrastinate, I should be doing this Diaspora assignment, but I just can’t get myself to starting… I HATE BEING SICK!!
its procrastination= stress, afraid to not finish work.
no procrastionation= kill myself out for sick and not getting enough sleep.

I have also developed a cough too! OMG, just yesterday, and the other day during the CCF dinner, I was coughing like a maniac!! T.T

Things left to do:
Political Science: Partner Essay
Mandarin: the assignment pile
Diaspora: 10…. 10! page assignment
International Studies: Website assignment
btw, despite all that, if you guys turn on your speakers now… introducing MY NEW MUSIC PLAYER 🙂 hope you would enjoy the music!


  1. Take care, Step! I know it’s hard to do your assignments when you are sick. But try your best! If you feel bad, don’t do the assignments reluctantly, ok? Hope you get well soon!
    Btw, I love the first and second songs from the list. It’s cool! Thanks for sharing those wonderful songs!

  2. Awww…I hope you feel better soon! Yeah, I was sick last month too, and I had to write 2 midterms while I was sick. @_@ Sleep more, and drink more water to cure your cough! =)
    Halloween. Did you have a midterm on that day? THAT SUCKS! But who gives midterms on HALLOWEEN?!?! The prof must be nuts! lol.
    YES. ISN’T HE SOOOOOOO CUTE? HAHA. I think they DID do that on purpose! XD OH. And in the first picture of him sitting on a chair, you can see a peak of his underwear! HAHAHA. OK. Ignore my weird observation! =P There’s also this REALLY cute scan of him playing with kids. AWWW. HE’S SO CUTE. HEHEHEHE. =D

  3. LOL. I see the little resembelance of Daniel Chan. XD He DOES look a little like him in that photoshoot. I think it’s his eyes. LOL But Aaron Kwok…hmmm…not really. =P
    OMG. You were at school until 9:00 on Halloween? That totally sucks! Are you feeling any better yet? Remember to drink lots of water! =)
    HAHAHA. OMG. I tell you, fangirling makes you perverted man! hahaha. XD I would actually NEVER notice these things. Actually, I never noticed that in the picture until a Yamapi fan pointed it on on someone’s LJ. XD So, technically, I’m not really the perv here. OH. I got a phone call this week about doing an experiment for psych…something about a hair experiment? Do you remember doing one last year?
    OMG. This BoA song playing on your Xang. I USED TO LOVE THAT SONG. But I don’t think I have it anymore, can you send me it? I remember the MV for it was beautiful though. hehe.
