am 19, finally legal~

I could honestly say that I don’t feel any different, as I was 18 last week, and 19 this week. But rather, thinking back on the “process" which had caused me to become 19, I could actually reflect on how different I am from the “me" I was last year.
Things that changed in me:

I smile less
I am less shy
I seemingly have more close friends
I am more mature
I think more before I act
I see music in a different aspect
I actually enjoy classical music now
I am still naive, but not as much
I am more reflective
I am more open
I speak up more
I am more cautious
I am more optamistic
I am different.

It is weird how I am finally (according to the Canadian Law) that I am an adult, I now am responsible for a lot of things, for my own actions… kind of freaky when I think of it… (*ekks)

Yesterday, while I was cleaning out my inbox (cause I NEED SPACE!) I ran across several old emails which were sent to me from friends a few years back, as I read them, I could not help but think that I am really special becuase of all the great friendships I had in the past, unforunately, most had moved or I just simply lost touched with them, I can’t help but feel ashamed of myself. While I had good and great friends, I did not treasure them fully, its not that I didn’t “treasure" them, its just that, if I had the ability to go back into the past, I could have done so much more as a friend. But now that I do not have them anymore, the only thing I could do is regret. I am totally mad at myself for that, but, what else could I do? there was a chinese saying: Sum Joi Fok Jung, but jee Fok. Which literally means: When you are in good/luck/good life, you don’t realize it and you don’t treasure it, but once its gone, that’s it, its gone, and the only thing you could do is try to make up for all of the lost time.

QUOTE of the day:
this was a quote posted on Sof’s site.
“there’re only places you don’t want to reach; there aren’t places you want to reach but can not reach."
I am going to reach for the places I want to reach! Oosh!

Thank you all for the warm birthday wishes and cards and hugs and gifts. I just feel so special knowing that I am surrounded by all
your love. 🙂

HKEJ & School is starting soon!

(this image was made by me)
I don’t know if the text is readible, as Xanga has a history of shrinking images a bit too small, but you must click it to see it… if it is not readible please click here for the original article! 🙂

Eversince Richard Li, brought 50% of HKEJ, most people had  biased opinions as to what he would do with it, most assumed that he would somehow make this journal’s opinions turn in his favour.

Luckily, RIchard Li cleared his name in the article above… he said: “I’m not here to make money. The amount of money is very small [HK$280 million for the stake].I’m doing this so Hong Kong can have freedom of the press. …"

That is totally generous of him to give HK freedom of press. It is sweet of him to do that, and yet, most people are actually blaming him, and saying that he wants to get out of his own barriers! ~sigh

I don’t know if this is factual or just a rumour, but it was said that Richard Li had decided to put HKEJ online, which means more people could get real unbiased news! 🙂 that is wonderful! 🙂

anywayz, this is the second entry.
most of you are PROBABLY wondering why I am writing two entries into one:
I’ve decided to write this entry, as it might be my last entry before
my birthday (on Monday [sept. 18]) as school would start next week for
me, and I might not have time to update it, thus, I want to write something while I’m still 18 (hehe). and secondly, it is because Xanga doesn’t allow us to change the time or date for our entries. X(

so… school is starting soon, can’t say I’m excited nor depressed since I took summer school and I only had 2 weeks off. To me, it is like having a really short break, which couldn’t be bad, cause I didn’t get into the habit of not working like SOME of you! hehe.

Sof, brought up a really interesting discussion which she titled : inversed sex | 中国的女孩.
I would really like to further ellaborate on her discussion, but I gotta go. I shall make a entry about this in the near future. (that is, if school doesn’t kill me first 😛 )

btw, thank you all who had helped me last week (you know the reason you know who you are *smile*) Thank you so much!

Reunion and ouch

Me: Alicia @ Ten23

(Bad title, but… read on… you would understand)
Yesterday Group 3 had a reunion… it was akward… it was like meeting friends whom I haven’t met for a long time, it had only been a week. It was really fun, talking to them again. Seeing everyone in their “normal" casual clothing, as oppose to those T-shirts we wore at camp.

My wisdom teeth are coming up, they are aching… sigh~ why do they have to be so painful?


Ok, I lied, I didn’t return on Monday… I was so tired from camp, that all I could do was sleep and couch potato around the house all week.
Have tried to get on MSN, and for those who knew, MSN STILL CONTINUES TO KICK ME OUT! X( no fun at all!
so… here’s the recaps (not that I could trust my memory THAT much, so bear with me)
Thursday (First day of camp): got up at 6:30am- met some group members, but they all were quiet (just like me) all other groups were happily talking except us… GROUP3.
Played some games after lunch, started talking to each other, but still, we weren’t close at all.
some of the group mates acted so… so…. BAD, wanted to yell at them… but eek… didn’t.
Anthony, was extremely nice, Helen was so energetic,

Friday: played Amazon River for the second time… (actually, this is one of my favourite games at camp) everyone was so supportive, including my group members, we showed so much compassion, and OMG we all got along pretty well.

Saturday: all group members started talking, we had a special bond, we were like FAMILY! we built huts, boats, and all sorts of things it was wondering!! TRIBE B Helen came up with the name! 🙂 thanks H2!!!

Tribe B
Tribe B Fpag

what was really wonderful was, at first, we had to team up with Group 1. at first, we were not talking, honestly, it felt like first day of camp, BUT, somehow, after 15 mins of instructions, we started becoming close!! welcome to the family! 😉

Sunday: packed up, solo hour, took pics,felt good being home again… but totally missed camp

Steph and RebeccaTammy Steph Rebecca

(didn’t want to bore you guys 🙂 so I just skimmed through it quickly)

Monday:… … … … … … … don’t remmeber exactly WHAT I did
Tuesday: Godfrey came over to help make our HKK banner… I had sewed SO MUCH!! I’m so happy I didn’t prick any fingers! 🙂
Wednesday: … … … I totally can’t remember!! HELP!! I’m getting old
Thursday: went out the whole day with friends
Friday: shopping! 🙂 and ate @ First markham place w/ family
Sat: today… went to eat at a Thai/Viet restaurant!! yummy good food! did more shopping ‘course
the heels killed me though…. now… I’m in pain of walking in those pretty shoes I got just a few months ago… they look good, but they don’t feel THAT good… I’m just glad I didn’t get blisters!! 🙂