English skills… con’t

Remember a few posts ago I wrote that my English writing skills are vanishing… (or whatever word I used to describe it)

well… I think my vocabulary sucks now… I mean… I could use certain words… I know how to use them, but I don’t know the exact meaning… for example, today, I was going to write: I am oblivious to reading this, I knew I had to write this word and this sentence makes sense, yet, I couldn’t find the exact definition for it in my head… when I went to check the dictionary, I knew I wrote the right word, with the right meaning… but why can’t I recall the exact meaning?

so much for learning so much vocabulary during my earlier days of school… T__T

caring… || 關心…

it is extremely hard to care for others when you yourself needs (to be) care(d for).
is this selfishness?

當我以爲我不咗必要喺這個網誌寫啲情感和感情有關的嘢、我又一次證明自己今本騙自己、由細細個開始、啲好嘢永遠沒有我份。係太悲慘。 都嘟大個意爲有轉化但結果也係咁。天啊、不當我好似玩具玩、我太疼而且受了太多傷。

This is so absurd T__T … what are people becoming?

as the article says
“"The age and the planning – a 14-year-old girl or a 15-year-old girl planning an actual murder – it’s rare." “

first, people were chopping others heads off… now 14 year olds are planning and acting out… excuse me… murders?

Teen guilty of Rengel murder; Crown to seek adult sentence
read the whole article… it makes more sense…