
(isn’t it cute?!?!?! gives such a whole new meaning to art )

actually… this is sort of an excuse for me to procrastinate for a while… a LITTLE while… I promise~

*****Update***** I have finally found THE music player, but since I have been busy with exams… this means I don’t have time to actually fix and change stuff… the songs are in the wrong order…  the first song is second, the second song is first…etc
I’ll fix it… hopefully on by Thursday….*****Update******

Exams are killing me… so much stuff to remember!! one down, one to go. Sociology was hard HARD stuff! glad its done… as Sof said “it can’t be changed" I should be glad its over, whatever the result is… let it be.

Now! I have Listening to Music: sigh! so much stuff to remember!! I have all of that history, rudiments stuff! so much memorizing! what’s worse is that I could never tell the difference between Middle Age and Renaissance music… they are identical… I swear…

neways my courses next year(not finalized yet): Political Science, Mandarin, International Studies, Sociology (2nd year) and Diaspora and Transnational Studies.
OMG, I just went on Rosi and checked… they switched the time for Political science… which means… eww… I can’t take Sociology!! grrr!!
can’t the university just stick with the times they posted up?!?!?
well… since I’m usually optamistic… this means I won’t have to take the heavy 5 course load… phew!

Playlist and feelings

I wasn’t able to add all… but it will do for now…
my new play list:

The first song reveals what is happening to me right now *winkwink (yes Lisa…)

The second song I chose is what I think

The third song is…. well… you get the point

The fourth song stresses more on the idea

*I urge you guys to listen carefully to the melody and words if you could…. they are pretty meaningful! I would add more… eventually! 🙂