
很多日不能看到你,今晚上,我很高興我今天認識很多你的事,但是我故不到了,你送我回家!你真的喜歡我嗎?今晚上你對我真好:長長坐在我身邊, 我感覺你對我的感覺,你真的喜歡我!我不應該故錯,沒錯,你一定喜歡我!


Now playing: 悁翮踮 MK秞扦 – 昒祥辿 [mtv-ktv.cn]
via FoxyTunes    So, was talking to a few friends yesterday, and turns out that MSN finally created a new (no beta) 8.1,  I hope I won’t have the same problems as I have had with MSN 7.0, 7.1, 8.0, 8.1 beta, in the past… going to try it out.

so, I logged in, I am so so sorry for those I couldn’t add while I haven’t been on MSN for almost a year and a half… and the offline msgs too, my bad. When I first signed back into MSN, I got such a weird feeling, it was exactly the same as how I left it, everything! the signatures, the people…. such a surreal feeling. Its just like walking back in time, in an old place, a place where I use to spend 5 hours a day, talking and interacting with others.

anywayz, installed the new version of MSN, and guess what? it looks exactly like MSN 8.0 , I really wonder what is it that they changed of it?

but just to confirm… in case I decide to ditch MSN (because if its annoying problems) I do and quite often use Facebook, Facebook me! 🙂 @ http://utoronto.facebook.com/profile.php?id=28107440

今日又係一個情天.我宗如倒明白 what it means when people say 一日等如一世.真係好奇怪,自從星期五之後,我真係無法形容果種 feeling.一稔起,會好開心,但係一 realize that it has passed, it is only history, 就會感覺得好唔開心,當我醒覺,元來之不過係一種過去,今本無可能發生. 我感覺到有的不安以想喊.


我真的故不到,我感覺你是一個很好的人。故不到可以還自是2個是件可以做你的好朋友,真奇怪!對你說了5小時,但是真高興!不用易我能稿夠talkative around人whom我認識了感小的時候。你怎麼樣時時看我?你喜歡我嗎?

JOSHUA Fellowship SUMMER Retreat 2007

I know I know, this is so long overdue, but I really did not have time till now

The booklet cover for retreat (which I designed ^.^ and also the booklet itself too 🙂

Joshua Fellowship Summer Retreat 2007 was a wonderful experience, I learned so much! Thank you all for giving me such a great experience, this retreat was different from the ones I had been to, it is… just different.

Blue Mountain Resort! WOW! it was amazing! we were practically pampered there with room service 6 in a room, just lovely… 3 nights and 4 days, it went by pretty fast.

Thanks to all the Committee members for the preperation 🙂

mirrored UTSC!

Everyone who went to Retreat! (just over 60… I think) so energetic yet so tired too 😛
can you find me here? I"ll give you a clue, I’m near the front 😉

Sunny and I in our small talk… ahem, until the paparazzi came and ruined everything XD lol, I’m just joking! Thanks for taking the pic Clover!

A fun moment singing worship songs at Wasaga beach with Eric playing the guitar.

Sigh~ I got so tired, can’t believe I fell asleep as soon as I got home. (ugh, I just realized that xanga is not a good place to upload pics.. so I uploaded them on photobucket 🙂

Off to Retreat

nothing much to be updated about… but I will be going to retreat with SCBC’s Joshua fellowship at Blue Mountain tomorrow and wouldn’t return till Monday.

Sorry Allan and Jess, I can’t come Saturday =.= unless if Allan decides to drive all the way to Blue Mountain and pick me up for some Siu Yea! XD

will update about the retreat when I get back… not to mention some pics too? 🙂