Mom’s condition update #10

Hey Everyone!

Thank you so much for praying! as it seems, your prayers really helped.

on Monday, we went to see the doctor again, and the Ultrasound report was missing again! it should have arrived at his office a month ago, yet it wasn’t, so he couldn’t say about her condition, but for what he could see, he said that things are going well, and he said that the tissue behind the lens is scaring (don’t know what THAT is suppose to mean) which means a laser surgery might not be enough to remove it, (as he originally planned for it to be) but a physical surgery is required, it does not need to be rushed, but probably in 3-4 months time, he will perform the surgery, (right after he has seen the ultrasound report)

Thanks for your continuous support 🙂

update on myself

(I have mastered the art of using -!)

-haven’t been up to much, still not sleeping too well.
-have retreat from August 3-7*
-camp from August 24-28*
-choosing annoying courses!!! (with 2 sessions full… I hate rosi)
-found a fascination over The Simple life (yeah, I know… I’m idiotic now! lol)
-an addiction over Neopets
– an addiction for PhD comics
-still due for a long delayed reunion.
-happy shopping with friends
-watched Surf’s Up
-going to watch HP movie IMAX version!!!!
-baptismal classes!!!
-Hotpot with CCF gang! ^.^ Thank you for everything guys! and thanks for your concerns for my mom’s eye. (will update about my mom’s eye later in the next update)

will update more when I could 🙂

(*if you plan to look for me during these days,  I simply am not here, but feel free to leave a note or email or sms or however the sort of form you usually leave me messages with)

Xanga Themes!!!

I am so glad that Xanga has finally caught on the trend of starting its themes! I have waited for ages for this to happen! and it finally has!!

There are so many themes to choose from… unforunately, they do not support my music player… which means… no more music for you guys…. sorry =.= until I find the theme which supports it. ^.^

However, this is one of the few themes I found perfect for my site, so if you have any comments or concerns, please feel free to :0

Mom’s #9 update

Hi Everyone,

sorry, didn’t have time to post up stuff concerning my mom, but basically, her last 5 visits were similar, she had sutures poking at her eye, which caused so much pain, so the doctor had to remove them for her… her pressure seems to be fine. The doctor will not be here for 2 weeks, which means we would have to wait either 2 weeks to see him, or see his assistant, who is his terms “is not as experienced". Please pray for my mom’s eye so that it would not continue to hurt… (yes, it is hurting severely, don’t know the reason though)
and that her laser surgery on July would come smoothly, and that nothing would be wrong with her retina (because she keeps on complaining about seeing flashes and flickering light)

Thank you all for those who have continued to pray for her eye! 🙂