believing in God…?

What does it mean to believe in God?

believing in God is not just knowing how to thank Him when good things happen, and knowing how to look for Him in bad times.

but also to look for him and learn to thank him when bad things happen and remembering to thank him during good times.
I think some of you might be confused by what I mean…

when you are surrounded by happiness, do you remember to thank God for those? would you pray to Him and thank Him for such a good time? Can you be as thankful when you are surrounded by bad things? How much of God’s efforts do we appreciate?

When we are troubled by life’s challenging events and seek for God’s help, is that our attitude when we are enjoying one of the best that life is giving us? do we still seek for God’s direction or do we simply slowly neglect God?

an unnamed entry

I read his blog… I am speechless, it seems as if a cold wave had hit me. As I read on… an optimism hit me, thinking and hoping that i have perhaps typed in the wrong web URL, perhaps this blog I’m reading in front of me is actually someone else’s, someone… who I do not know. I checked for spelling errors, it was one of the few times I wished I had made a stupid error. After checking and reconfirming three times, I could only hit myself with reality… he has changed.

A few weeks ago a&j saw him in person, they told me he had changed but I unwillingly want to believe kept feeding lies and excuses to myself… Now the evidence in front of me can only force me to believe this is true. I could only move on thinking, hoping and believing all this is temporary, and it will eventually pass.

I really wished I could have gone back in time and perhaps done something. Be a better friend, be a better sister, and even showed more kindness and warmth. Maybe if I saw the signs earlier things would have been different. But this is reality, what has been done is done, unfixable. All I could do is pray for him and hope God will be there for him.

Suddenly, as I moved onto a next entry, he somehow seems unfamiliar to me, I hope he still considers me a friend and a sister.

To you my friend and brother always: I do long for the day you would once again open up to me, to let me share your pain and burdens, I really hate to see you bearing all this pain yourself and seeing you suffer. 😦



正如 Lisa 所説姚金鈴好自私!似乎以失常性瘋了。

這台慶戲劇雖然有小許的破陣但非常好看!Really recommend 🙂 looking forward to 續集!
恭喜他們的結局得了50點收視率! a good record ^^