




我真係希望這個 post 是依個網誌最後。


a bad dream :(

as I mentioned in my previous entry, I would post up my dream…

I had a really weird dream, yet it was so surreal, hard to explain what happened exactly but somehow, I either went to my future self or I had amnesia in the future, either way, whatever happened before, I had no idea.

the setting was in my future house, a house my fiancé bought for us, it was a big beautiful house (with chandeliers hanging), so I assumed we were quite wealthy, unfortunately, in my dream, My Fiancé, or rather, already husband had just passed away due to an accident (sadly I just don’t know what accident was it), it happened just days after our wedding, the event went from a happy occasion to only moments it became a sad thing. I walked around obliviously as friends and family came to comfort me, saying how they were so sorry about the accident, because I had no idea what was going on, I could only accept those words of comfort obscurely.

Suddenly, the phone in my hand rang, the travel agency in Europe called to ask me about a cancellation in my hotel accommodations over there, then they realized my phone number was not the one that I was suppose to be using in Europe, I only sadly explained that my fiancé just passed away, they sent their compassion and considerations and we hung up.

I returned to serving the guests once more, I met up with a few of my close friends, and we talked, while I went on observing and trying to keep everyone in order, I can’t remember what really happened, but I just remember saying these words: to feel like you had almost everything and the world was yours in one moment, and in the next, it all crumbles around you, this is the most painful experience.

Then I woke up.

this is indeed on the worst dreams I’ve had or will ever have. I think the reason why I had forgotten all about this was because of my depression and grieve over my husband’s death?

I had forgotten about:

– the wedding

– the accident everyone was talking about

– the accident that killed my fiancé, (names have been kept secret due to the fact that this dream happens around a certain group of friends you know) 

all I knew was

– the love shared between my fiancé and me, clues indicate this is about 4 years (well more exact, 3-5 years) from now

– my friends now remain my friends

questions and concerns:

– I hope this isn’t a reflection of the future

– I will really end up with… him?

– of all the places, why Europe for a honeymoon?

– why did I have this dream?

– it was a big house… but where was it? HK, Canada, USA? WHERE?

– it was weird to feel sad, but not upset, about a person I know of an event unknown to me.

if knowingly once we choose to be with someone means they will leave us (death) should we continue?

its been a long time….

gosh, how long has it been since I’ve last written on xanga? probably a couple of weeks? I didn’t count. 😦

You are probably wondering, where did Steph go? no worries, I’ve just been quite busy… with church every Sunday, Fellowship every Friday, Bioline every Wednesday, class every Wednesday, I think I managed to keep myself quite occupied. But as you wonder, shouldn’t I still be busy? correct, but as we approach the last week of classes, so does the time of procrastination…

on top of all that, retreat is coming up 🙂 … actually I am quite nervous, (for those who know how I feel about retreats will know I mean)

btw, what’s with everyone switching to Nokia phones? is the Sony Ericsson era over or something? or is there something I missing out on? for a total of 10+ Sony Ericsson users I’ve known, who have used Sony Ericsson for over 5 years, suddenly just switch to Nokia phones?

just 2 hours ago, I woke up from a nap, and I had one of the most … bad dreams, can’t say if its a nightmare, will keep everyone posted when I have finally figured out what had happened in that dream, maybe someone with dream interpretation abilities could tell me what happened? (aka. Kelvin? XD) I will post it up here in a few days (hopefully ^^)