Stress w/ midterms and such

So, probably a lot of you were wondering where the heck Steph has been? no updates on Xanga at all, so I decided to write this entry to say that all is well, (aren’t I nice? :P) ever since school has began, assignment overflows, committee responsibilities, and the worst: MID-TERMS!! =.= I don’t even have time to sleep, much less write in my xanga, and when I do want to write in my xanga, I am no where near a computer… thus, the blankness of these few… weeks?

I really can’t say that third year is all that much harder than second or even first year, but I guess it is the time restraints that all the profs put on us (all the profs, all my profs… they think that the only course I am taking is their course… don’t they realize we also have other courses!?!? no… they don’t, we tried telling them, but they keep saying… oh look, you have SO much time… a week… yes… a week is a lot, or not! not when you have school! not when you have classes and other assignments!)

University is driving me crazy this year… the readings are crazy! I mean… imagine 1000+ pages every week? is that bearable? on top of the weekly 1500 (min.) research assignments… you tell me!

if that isn’t enough… I have 2 exams on one day… with tons of reading T.T

but… I could rant forever, but just want to say that things would begin to look up after my last mid-term exam on Friday…

for now, life must go on… mustn’t it? gotta get back to studying