stupid XD

feel so dumb, today, my mom was asking me when Dun Ng festival was, and I told her it was tomorrow…  than I thought… hmm… Dun Ng festival, maybe I should buy some lanterns… than I realized I mixed up Dun Ng festival with Mid -Autumn festival…

a stupid CBC mistake -___-

random post

a “random" random post XD

too lazy to re-post again… cause its long…–>
if you have time, please make your own version as well 🙂

just so glad I finished my exam and assignment ^^ just thought to say it here… although as I type, I find it quite pointless… XP


following up to –>

today is your memorial… marks the full 5 years you have left us.

I still can’t help but think that one day, just one day, I’ll bump into you in the streets and we’ll catch up with time. We’ll go to some cafe and chat… just like what old friends and good classmates do…

I guess all I do is run from reality, but every time that scene pops up, something deep in my heart tells me, Jeff’s gone… Jeff’s gone Steph, you aren’t going to see him anymore, at least, not in this life.

why did this have to happen to you? 😦

I’m going to move on, I will! I promise… just take care.

bye bye.

busy schedule up ahead

Friday- Fellowship 🙂

Saturday- work on… stuff due (up ahead) + maybe get a chance to do some reading as well

Sunday- church-Sunday School, worship, meeting~

Monday- Take home term test due (need to melt)

Tuesday- dental appointment (唔使怕、只是 正常 clean up and check up ^^)

Wednesday- 3 Photoshop drawings (what to draw… create?? I’m not creative 😦 someone help me!!)

有啲人就好啦、又喺香港, 讀 bird courses 同可以睇concert(s)!好唔公平呀 XP jkjk ^^

Happy Birthday to an old friend

so it took me this long to realize that May 15th is your birthday, if I had only taken the courage to ask you oh just 8 or perhaps 13 years ago… I would have been celebrating it all these years. Perhaps you have told me, of course you did, we even celebrated it with the class before, maybe I’m just not as “small" heart-ed as I think I am.

I can’t believe you have been gone for almost 5 years now. Why does time fly so fast? it only seemed like 3 years ago when you went to Wonderland with me.

I just hope that wherever you are, you will bring joy to those around just as you always did. RIP… Jeff, we all miss you :*(

really random

so Spring’s here ^^ yeah!!

on Friday, as my dad dropped me off at my church, I couldn’t help but notice 2 adult geese leading 2 small geese (I don’t know what’s the proper term for “baby geese") who are so adorable 🙂 later I learn that they came to stay and call our church their home ^^ didn’t expect these sorts of things to happen 🙂 so cute! 🙂

I that when it rains I get bad hair days >< my hair gets all flat and a bit oily even if I just washed it only hours ago 😦

response: The perfect people

response to this entry–>

I hate how these sorts of people always seem so perfect, why do we envy them? why should we envy them to begin with? do they really feel good inside after using people? as the author of this entry wrote: the perfect people… are they really perfect?

perfect by definition: entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings.

I guess not, if they were “perfect" per say, they wouldn’t hurt people like this, this is indeed a flaw and defect in their personality…

perfect? I think not.

I personally don’t know the author of this blog entry, but I really feel sorry for him 😦

Thursday Night…

yesterday, I had a wonderful yet unexpected and unplanned for evening with a few brothers and sisters

thanks Eunice for opening your house to us 🙂
thank you all for the joy and laughter, it was definitely delightful and a sure treat

let’s do this again next time… and maybe with ice cream? 😛