
what we are doing is for the best of all of us… please trust us… you will see later.



one of the sad things about life is when everyone is telling you to do something that is good for you (and deep in your heart that is what you want) yet you have to keep denying it, because deep inside you found out about something, and you know it isn’t possible.

世上最慘的事、當眾人對你説 “你應該做某一件事”、(在你心中是一件你好想要的)、但係因爲你知道一啲小秘密、這件事無可避能成功、所以不斷説“我不想要哪件事發生”

Contributing to World Hunger?

whoa, haven’t written on my xanga for quite a while… still on research paper… 1/3 done!! 🙂

anywayz… while I was on my break I came across an interesting site called FreeRice

Help end world hunger

for every question you answer correctly, you donate 10 grains of rice and contribute to World Hunger! there are different subjects you can choose but the default one is English Vocabulary… haha I donated 800 grains of rice already.. I do question its philosophy and concept behind… I’ll write another entry about it later…

web url: http://freerice.com